A day of technology failures!

 A couple of days back my laptop developed an odd fault where it would switch off when I carried it across the room, then it refused to boot up.
Yesterday, Gill realised she hadn't charged up her Apple Pencil for a while and the battery has expired. 

So - off to the Apple repair place in Stratford this morning where the chap was very helpful but couldn't make any progress.  He did, however, suggest a clone pencil which will do what Gill wants.  His own iPad art work looked good - I'm surprised she didn't try to recruit him to the art group :-)

I've no idea what is going on with my laptop but there's nothing to be lost by taking the cover off,  tried taking one of the memory modules (the two green squares in the thumbnail)  out and it fired up ok,  put the module back and it still works ... I give up!

As you are reading this, it would appear to be working still.

Sadly, the downside of faffing about with PCs is ending up with a 'bitza' (bits of this, bits of that) where some components are more up to date than others and the decision to replace the whole thing is fraught with doubts.
Fortunately, I have a son and son-in-law who are much more knowledgable and I get great IT support from them. 

In a reverse technology moment - I had a nice new Leuchtturm notebook arrive, which even I can't break!

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