14 years!

Today is our anniversary - 14 years!
It was hard work getting the kids going this morning, even harder work getting Nate into the school building, but, he managed to stay for the entire morning and came out smiling...though now it's bedtime and he's feeling worried again. 
Danny and I popped to a local place by the sea for breakfast together to celebrate our anniversary. Lovely to get some time together. Especially lovely as we were meant to pop out for a drink tonight but a friend's world has come crashing down around him today and Danny is very much needed, so we cancelled the babysitter (wonderful Claire) and we'll rearrange for another time.
The Polaroid pic is from the evening part of Lance's wedding.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate managing the morning...we weren't at all sure how it would go.
2) Receiving a message about a missing person someone in China hasn't seen for 15 years (their brother), and knowing who he is! Hopefully we can track him down and get him on the phone with his sister.
3) 14 years with Danny...highs, lows, but better together!

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