Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Today has been lovely. Little Man has really been enjoying himself over here. We went out for a lovely walk this afternoon, which we both needed, whilst my parents were at a meeting. I'm really enjoying the opportunities I'm getting to explore Oudewater. It's a small town (with city rights) and everyone here is extremely friendly. I'll often be sitting outside the house and people will say hello as they walk past. They'll do the same when we're out walking, as well. It's lovely.

Little Man seems to be finding his feet and getting into a routine here. He's been having a lot of fun with his grandparents as well. He's a special boy and is a delight to be around. My parents had a meeting today, so when Mum let me know she was almost home, I took Little Man outside to wait for her as I knew she was nearby. He wanted to ride my bicycle, which was a bit too big for him. I did help him climb onto it and sit on it (pictured here). He also wanted to sit on the saddle. We're going to sort a bike seat for him soon so that we can go for rides together.

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