Really tiny.
Gloxinia erinoides, a species that grows from a rhizome. The florist's gloxinias of horticulture - now considered to be Sinningia speciosa - have quite large, showy flowers but this little plant has very small flowers, quite beautiful when you see them close up but at around 5mm across they really are tiny.
A dull, often rainy day. A work day in the railway shop. Having felt a bit below par for a few days, I started off today feeling bright enough but faded late on at work and slept for an hour or so after I got home. Food and a quiet evening at Jamie's plus an early night will hopefully put me straight. A visit to the doc is on the cards if this persists beyond the end of next week.
On the plus front the jug came through bisque firing fine and by luck it can go into a glaze firing tomorrow evening if I get it glazed during the day. Something to look forward to.
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