
By Wildwood

Rural View... beginning to disappear on this street above our house, where we walked this morning. We used to wander all over this open space with Ozzie  but an entire subdivision was built there .This view of the Mayacamas hills is between two houses, one that was built not long after we moved here...a wildly inappropriate Victorian house with an over the top English style  garden blooming wildly as most gardens are  winding down as autumn approaches. I can't imagine what her water usage must be. 

The house on the other side has sprung up in the last year. The first house on this spot burned down 15 years or so ago when boys playing with fireworks in the dry canyon below started a fire. It only burned the one house but we got to know the people who lived in the replacement. Their house burned down in the Glass fire and we weren't surprised when they decided to move away without rebuilding as they had been talking about moving to a smaller house. I don't know where they wound up, but somebody bought the lot and built another house on it. It is on the market now. 

I used to think our white house with a black front door was cutting edge, but almost every rebuilt house, and there are a lot of them, are what is being called 'farmhouse' style and painted white with black trim. This seems to have completely replaced the pseudo Tuscan style that preceded it .

I would publish a couple of extras but every time Apple 'updates' the software on my MacBook Air something gets screwed up. This time my photos aren't  uploading automatically from my phone. I'll look into it yet again tomorrow, but for now the process is a bit convoluted....

Dinner at Jim and Dana's tonight. We'll miss seeing the boys as they have both moved on to their 'grownup' lives....

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