Visiting the village grave yard

A full on day of wonderful ness with my niece and her son visiting this morning, later joined by my brother for lunch followed by a family visit to the village of our upbringing. And the church where the ashes of mum and dad are buried. The headstones shown are of dads mother who died when he was two years old, also of her parents and sister who brought dad up. A complicated story of family and his childhood. It all finishes with the funeral of dads half brother on Wednesday. Even now it is only mentioned in hushed tones. Anyway a special time of visiting them all and looking at other family headstones. Trying to explain to a five year old that a grave yard is not connected to gravy, this is where ……..
was interesting. We feel that after our time there will be no interest in grandmother, aunt and great grandparents.

Later this afternoon a walk with friend C to the park and to Bobs Bench, her lovely husband who died last December. Tears and as always laughter. Back to her place to eat, it is always special spending time with C.

Tomorrow I am off to Oxford on the train, fingers crossed it goes to plan.

An extra for Nanzy - dangling legs from Bobs Bench.

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