
By NellieD

Billy no mates

I tried to organise a men only meetup with my crochet/knit group this morning. There's a lot in the group but they never come along. I thought if I could get them all into the same room, they might be more inclined to join our regular meetups. Sadly no-one showed up. That's the problem with Meetup, until you go it's just a faceless app and you don't think about the person who dragged themselves into town early on a Sunday morning to host their 765th event. The joys of being an organiser.

Went for a wander round town instead to try and find a dress for our black tie awards dinner.

Three things I'm grateful for:
-Persistence to keeping trying to make my group the best it can be, even when it doesn't go to plan
-Spending the last of my Waterstones voucher that was one of my 50th presents from work 
-Homemade soup courtesy of my mum

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