Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Frittering the days away.................

Since our friend, Iain, left on Wednesday, Ann feels as if she's been frittering the days away. We've been back in St Ives almost 4 weeks now and she doesn't feel like she's using our time very constructively.

Take today, for example, we got up at 7.30am and I went into the field for toileting purposes. Ann went to Zumba 8.30-9.30am and then came home and had breakfast whilst catching up on half an hour of EastEnders. Obviously, after that I needed a 'proper walk', so we went trekking around for more than an hour. It was a lovely day but the waves were massive so we sat and watched the surfers for a while.

When we got home................... Ann's plan was to sit on our very sunny sun terrace, writing her book. ('My life in lockdown').

Mmmmmmmm...................... in reality what happened was.............. she watched another episode of 'EastEnders', had lunch and then went for a lie down for an hour.  For some reason she's been exhausted for the last few days.  Maybe it's got something to do with working in the 'Pool Club' until midnight on Wed & Thurs and having to get up early to walk me before going to her Zumba classes.  Who knows?!  Maybe she's just getting old!!!

This afternoon we had supermarket shopping to do. Unlike our friend Iain (who was staying with us last week & loves going to the supermarket) Ann only likes to go to the supermarket once a week. She plans her meals and buys enough stuff to last for a week. Oh and she always buys 6 bottles of wine when doing a supermarket shop in England because there always seems to be 25% off if one buys 6 bottles or more. Actually she always buys 6 bottles of wine whilst doing a supermarket shop in Scotland too. Alcohol is so much cheaper in England?!!

Mega rant coming up – Does anyone actually know why Scotland has a minimum unit pricing thingy and why one can only buy alcohol in shops between the hours of 10am-10pm? It's absolutely ridiculous. My human often does a supermarket shop at 9am, she doesn't drink 6 bottles of wine at 9am in the morning!!!  Then she has to go out at another time to buy a bottle of wine. Nor can one buy one of these 'Dine in for two meals, that include a bottle of wine', if you want to buy it before 10am. Same with online deliveries. One can't have an online delivery before 10am or after 10pm if it includes alcohol.

Whilst Ann fully understands that 'traditionally' the Scottish have a reputation for heavy drinking, (and tbh, her Scottish friends drink a lot more than her English friends), if people are alcoholics and need alcohol first thing in the morning, they will find a way to get that, whether the shops sell it or not. For example, there's 4/5 homeless people (actually Ann thinks they've got homes) that we see regularly on my morning walk in Edinburgh, who usually sit in a sunny spot at 8am drinking cans of strong cider. They have obviously been organised enough to get their cans by 10pm the night before. #justsaying

Sooooooo..................... our supermarket shop involved going to Lidl, but they didn't have half of what we wanted, so we had to go to Tesco as well. After waiting in the car, I went for my afternoon walk along the river at St Erth. The river walk at St Erth only takes about half an hour because the path that we normally walk along has been closed for well over a year. Must look back on our BLIP posts to see when we first reported this?!

Anyway, that's been our day. …...............Frittered away!!!!

It's chucking it down with rain now, I'm snoozing, and Ann's wondering what she should do for the rest of the evening. Isn't Saturday night TV c***?

Roll on next summer.  My human HATES dark evenings!!!

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