
I've just realised I'm keeping to the green theme! And these shouldn't be either. I'm leaving them out as long as I can but I don't think they'll make it on their own, I'll have to bring them indoors soon.

I haven't done much today, a run and a massive food shop which took ages (lots of people, not enough staff) and then I was finishing off a gift I'm knitting for someone.  Annoyingly I went wrong a couple of rows before I spotted it so that took a bit of time (and some choice words) to fix as well. I was supposed to give it to her last week but luckily we managed not to get our diaries to work so I had a bit more time.

Himself and No. 1 went to the football and are now negotiating south London on a day when there are limited trains. They're only about three miles away as the crow flies but probably another hour on public transport.

I've made Thai style curry for tea. It smells lovely.

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