Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

SA Day Fourteen

Another fairly successful morning drive. There was low cloud in the valley - it looked fantastic as we drove down into it. We had a toilet/hippo watch/coffee stop at the other lodge, and this time Dad moved! There were ripples! And we saw a little group of terrapins sunning themselves at the edge of the pond.

The male lion we’ve been stalking was STILL lying down relaxing. But we saw lots of other animals, including warthogs (they’re all over the place), zebras, jackals, springboks, meerkats, - even a stick insect in the Landy - it fell in as we scraped by a bush.

After seeing a small tortoise yesterday, we saw a big whopper today, a leopard tortoise, aged about twenty. We saw, quite close, a dazzle of zebras!

The highlight was when we came across about twenty giraffes. We sat and watched them for ages. We also saw Elands, which are huge big antelope creatures, and when they walk, the tendons in their knees click! Craziest thing.

Talking of the craziest thing… while sitting there, being bounced around for six hours a day, my phone is counting my steps! How fantastic is that! Today I did 11,025 steps without even trying… BONUS.

EXTRA: More giraffes!

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