
The usual Tuesday routine of some play and then packing up to go to Rebecca’s class, lunch in cafe, play in park (went on zip wire with Bex here) and back home to wait for mummy to get back from work.

For the past few years Rebecca’s little dance school opens the Farnham Christmas lights switch on.  They have lots of different schools performing dance, choirs etc.  This year O will be taking part too and they started practicing it today.  His group are doing Frosty the Snowman. Awww.

Nat looked tired when she got home.  She had another scan yesterday as her midwife thought the baby was very big (she is quite small ) but it turns out it’s the opposite and the baby is quite small so she will have more regular scans and check ups as we come into the last part of the pregnancy.  O also stopped growing towards the end and that is why she was induced a few days early.  Fingers crossed all will run smoothly over the next few weeks.  Think having Sim away during the week at the mo is probably a bit tough too.

In extra one for HF.  Spotted opposite our house as we came home from quiz.  There was two but the other ran off.  They are always around ‘our’ grounds but Mr C thinks they also come into our garden.  We must set up that camera that’s been sitting on a shelf for the past year or so.

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