At A Snail's Pace, Aylesford
I always find how we perceive time as a fascinating subject. When work is very slow or non existent time seems to drag - it feels to me as if every minute is a sort of grey torpor experienced at a snail's pace. I've been sat in my studio at work with nothing to do and my work hours streeeeeeeeeech into an elasticated form of flat lining boredom.
Also, while waiting to change trains at Bromley South on my way home from work when there is a delay, which is nearly every day, my heart races (I'm rather good at being a pessimistic catastophizer!) and I always expect the worst. This isn't helped by the fact that when I get off the train from Victoria the screen says the Ashford train is "on time" but by the time I've walked to my usual spot for the connection the delay has begun to kick in. It's almost as if one part of me speeds up (my heart rate) while the waiting period feels as if it elongates, each extra minute becomes a heavier and slower burden. So today's image is a representative evocation of that.
Luckily, when it isn't as bad as I think it might be, which is more often than I care to admit, I get an enormous sense of calmness bordering on a relieved, quiet joy.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for the lovely comments, hearts and stars for my 2,000 blip. I appreciate every one of them so very, very much.
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