Home sweet home

We arrived home around 1pm, unpacked the car, checked on Shelly the tortoise and the hens who had laid nine eggs between the five of them, so I’m not sure about the schedule of our chicken-sitters but I’m not complaining as there’s more eggs for us!
Then Mr F went to the farm shop, and the local Renault garage to order another wing mirror housing and finally picked Elvis up from kennels. The girls there love him as he’s the only dog who gets on with all the others, even the grumpy dogs, and were sad to see him go. 
We’ve bought him a new bed to try and wean him off the sofa. He’s not sure but is showing willing at the moment. He does love to cuddle up with Mr F on the sofa usually, so I’m not sure how things will go, but I sit separately on a chair as I can’t be doing with 40kg of hot labrador wanting to cuddle!

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