Lala's Journal

By Lala


In the garden .

I attended Andy’s funeral on my own, none of the boys up to it, but I’m glad I did, it’s what B would have wanted to do if he was here. 

Daniel was supposed to come for the weekend, I even booked tomorrow off as leave, but again has cancelled. He’s not great at the moment, mentally or physically. He’s had either a cold or Covid, and also a. Crohn’s  flare up at the same time. Having spent the last year being strong for me, his anxiety and depression have also reared. I have to be kind, and I do understand, but now face three days with no plans, other than a possible visit by Stef tomorrow. 

Having agreed to attend a LC reunion next weekend, I am the one chickening out now. I really just don’t fancy it, but when I told Nic (had arranged to meet up first for lunch), he said he was fine with me not going, but still wanted us to lunch together. That cheered me, and we have arranged to do that at the castle, so that he can go on to the reunion easily. 

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