
By ThisOldHouse

Ne'er cast a clout . . .

It's been a strange year. Summer, which began on 1st June, is officially over after just a week. what comes next remains to be seen but a change is certainly underway. Today the sun took until evening to burn a hole in thick cloud. The shorts which have had an airing for the past 3 or 4 days are now packed away once more. Well, hopefully not for good!

If any further evidence was needed of our late Spring, it shows clearly in our hawthorn trees which, like this one, are at last in flower. Normally, the blossom appears in early to mid-May and we usually wait until the bloom has faded before casting a clout. Not so this year, although today some clouts were back in use. And with wind and rain forecast for tomorrow, perhaps more will be added.

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