POG's Journal


I'm here but not here...

Hello Everyone,

Lots going on at the moment and likely to be the same moving forward between now and Christmas. I have been at the workshop most days and been tiding up odds and ends on some of the machines that are nearly complete. I have ordered some spares to allow me to finish more of them.

I have started to tackle the garden that has not been touched this year, but I have no excuse as I have my new hip now. The goal is to get most of the jungle cleared by the end of the year, I think it is doable.

I have been doing some DIY, again I have no excuses now… Although I am not a fan of DIY the results are quite pleasing. 

The decluttering is going well… and I am surprised about how much money I have generated on eBay… being a bit of a process and procedure type person I have now worked out how to do things without too much effort.

Nothing else to report at the moment, I expect my presence here will be intermittent during the near future as I get things done.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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