That darn badger yanked everything off the swing in the night. Carnage. And this was despite me liberally covering the swing with citronella essential oil which badgers are not supposed to like.I have not looked at the trail cam footage yet. Midnight spent the entire night in my bedroom. I think in part to hear what was going on outside.
The trees were battering each other all night.
The wildlife camera from a few days ago...
Cat Midnight lazily watches the Fox and then has a good clean of himself...
No badgers that night.
Midnight's kind of night.
Midnight loves his swing when there are no badgers about.
60 secs
Creative - worked another hour on the horse in Procreate...still not getting what I want...and just worked a further hour on the horse...cannot get the vision I wanted from this. But you get an idea how I work, seeing the earlier version from yesterday...
Enough creativity for one day, practical things need to be done...
Need a nap now.
And a cuppa tea.
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