
By IainatCreel

Way to Blue

Today was mildly assinine, with shades of deplorability, vacuousity, outbloodyrageousness, deeply puzzling, with an immense dolop of 21st century irrascible predictability.  Do not see extras.  This all from a person who has never lived in a hoose with a streetlight outside.  Redemption came in the form of an extremely well managed and curated bookshop.  A Different Drum (even playing excellent music).  Excludes total cholesterol,  LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, catechins, theatlavins, thearubigins, a soupcon of TCE, never a mention of lipid oxidation. 

An excellent evening meal in Spencers.

I must do better.

There will be more words along tomorrow. 

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