Capital adventures

By marchmont


It's a bit blurry but it was all I took today.

The cloud, haar, cold didn't dissipate till mid afternoon. I'd been up early - clearing up last night's detritus and even ironing.

It was a very quiet day in the office - S on holiday, N off sick so just 4 of us.

I came home in the sun. I take the hilly route now. Good exercise! The glass of the Tun was shining in the sun, reflecting Citigroup over the road.

Home and then down to Sainsbury's for a very long shop. The great thing about on-line shopping is there is no impulse buying whereas when you're in the store.....And of course I still came home without one of the things I wanted. Molly has lost her collar and her bell and her name tag and I forgot to get the new collar. But at least we have food again.

Iain Banks died yesterday. I was lucky enough to have met him when he recorded James Naughtie's 'Book Club' at the NLS in 2011.

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