Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Due to the 3 day school strike Steven and Kelly were finding it hard to find childcare. I offered to do today and Thursday afternoon. I would have loved to have offered the full 3 days but I just knew I couldn't.
Harris was desperate to go to his clubs football camp today so Lewis and I dropped him off then went for a morning treat to Costa's. Then home via mine to get paper and pencils as he claimed they had no paper at home! We then sat at the table for close to 2 hours drawing. He draws very small things and is very precise. He has started to use words such as shading and blending. He likes drawing cartoon things as he ' can be more imaginative as realistic things you can't choose what to draw'. This is a 'cute banana'.
Lunch a bit of screen time and we picked Harris up who'd had a great time but was tired and hungry. Home for downtime and a snack then more drawing started. Harris drew a huge apple with snail trails, ants and spiders going into it, then a pear with lots of spiders going into it. There was a lot of commentary from him as he was doing it.
6pm and Kelly came home. A full on day but I really enjoyed the slow pace and chat with each of the boys.

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