Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

Out and About

A day off. Between jobs, Callum wanted to have a tip run, charity shop run and I suggested lunch out.

The first two were straight forward. Then we went to Jordan’s Mill but it’s chef’s day off so no hot food.

We headed back to Biggleswade and went to O’Sarracino, a lovely Italian restaurant behind the high street. We’ve been before, but for dinner rather than lunch.

We both had the spaghetti carbonara, Callum with cream, me with the smaller lunch size deal without cream.

Then I overheard the words chocolate, coconut and cheesecake in the same sentence, which was my undoing. But boy was it delicious.

So, not having a blip we came home the long way via Potton, found nothing of interest but diverted down by the cemetery and saw a field of sheep. That’ll do I thought.

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