
By stujphoto

Belhaven Saltmarsh

This is a view across the saltmarsh to Belhaven Beach with Bass Rock to the left.

I only had one of the dogs, Zoe with me this afternoon and as she is fine off the lead, I had a lot more liberty to take a number of shots down at the sea wall. I did a few BIF (bird in flight) sequences with gulls, even a couple of swallows who were swooping over the sea and of a heron taking off at Seafield Pond. I was quite excited when I got home to see that the swallow images were reasonably sharp and I thought I could present you with my first SBIF (small bird in flight) but decided as they were poorly exposed and therefore rather grainy after processing that I should look elsewhere.

As landscape is one of my major interests and supposedly an area of strength, I thought I ought to present one of these as it is sometime since I have done a landscape blip. I guess the log is what makes it for me.

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