Good day

Today was appointment at RM with consultant following scan last week.  Always an anxious day with lots of waiting around but I met No.1 there after a good drive around M25.  She had got the bus (rather than Uber) and that was a first - small steps, but steps in the right direction.

The appointment was in the new centre and seemed much quicker and slicker (although the computer check in didn't work).  It always makes me sad to see so many poorly people (and more young people today) but I have to give myself a talking to and not be sad but think positive thoughts.  We had a good meeting with the consultant who seemed pleased with progress and said the tumour looked stable since the last scan and surgery in July.  Blood results and liver test all good too - so a huge sigh of relief and onwards and upwards again.

We had a sandwich and cup of tea in Maggies and then drove to Morden Hall Park - and enjoyed a lovely long walk in the sunshine, and sat and had an ice cream - small pleasures!

No.1 is taking a new medication (was in a trial last year which is now closed awaiting the results) but she was included as the drug is showing good signs?  Keeping everything crossed and continue to hope, trust and pray.  GCE Maths needed to work out the quantities and frustration trying to find something to measure out 31ml - most jugs don't measure that small quantities.  So a quick run to Boots and TK Maxx and eventually found a 'syringe' thing which measures in 10ml quantities.  I did order a small measuring jug from Amazon - next day delivery, only to check my emails when I got home and found I had ordered it to MY address and not to No.1.  Why is nothing straightforward!

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