Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

First Attempt

Conor had a proper go at trying to use the skateboard today. It has been essentially unused since Orla got it for her 13th birthday two years ago. Now Conor seems really keen to give it a go. 

Conor was off school again for the September weekend. Conor, Dad and Orla went for a really nice walk around the golf course. It was quite windy but also sunny. We saw a golden retriever lie on the lovely short grass and roll around and it wasn't long before Conor was doing something similar. There were no golfers (usual on a Monday) so we were able to sit and enjoy the sun for a while. 

On the way home there were several Red Admirals fluttering about, happy to sit still and have their photo taken.

Mum was away to Blackburn early this morning and is also going to London, not back until Thursday evening.

Orla was back on History today (Module 6: Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934). Dad quizzed her about why it took 5 days for the last assignment. Note taking was the problem, she essentially wrote almost everything down rather than summarising the important points. Dad suggested they watch a video about the Cornell method of note taking and she used it on Module 6. She was amazed with the results and will be ready to do the assignment tomorrow, so taking 2 days instead of 5!

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