
By hpx

Winter trees

If our weather forecast is correct today was the calm before the storm.

I expected to go into work but they decided it would be better if I worked from home. I think it made for a more comfortable day for me.

I took 3 small walks (on the basis that small well spaced walks are better than one long one), spread amongst working from my reclined couch position.

The most taxing part of the day was late afternoon when I popped out to stock up on a few neccessities. I hate the supermarket at the best of times. I loathe it at present. As a friend remarked, I look 'sensitive'. If that means no one bumps into me that's a good thing.

An article I read recently left me thinking about patterns that repeat in nature. I tracked down some images taken through a microscope and it's amazing. That's what drew my eye to these tree branch silhouettes. The same branch shapes are seen at a cellular level. Not that I know anything about these things, but I'm full of wonder. I also liked the shadows and contrast of light and dark.

It begged me to turn it into black and white so I obliged ;-)

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