Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The long and winding road.

Oh what a day!

Approximately 5 minutes after rising from bed, I'm standing in my back garden in my dressing gown, holding a dying fledgling that I have wrestled from the jaws of my horrible dog Radar. I am screaming for Mr G to get out of bed to help me, before Radar mangles a second fledgling.

Fast forward 6 and a half hours and Mr G and I are back at the crime scene of the morning, but this time Mr G has rescued a second fledgling from the chicken coop where the fledgling ran, escaping Radar but met 2 despicable chickens who were trying to pull the little birds head off!

I can't take this. All my fears for the new blackbird family are being realised. I had to stand in the garden this morning, wrapping up the body of a dead baby bird whilst its father looks on. I am remembering watching him and his partner tirelessly feed these babies for the last two weeks and on the day that they fledge, we watch with horror as Radar does the despicable deed.

So after last week's chasing the duck in the sea/near drowning incident and now this...Radar does not leave the back door with her leash on.

Neil and I walked the dogs on leash across Carnoustie Golf course this afternoon.

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