
By wanderingsailor

I'm not very good with heights

An understatement ! I HATE heights. My hands and feet start to tingle and the very thought. However ........
We have just had to have the house repointed as the pointing was in very poor condition. Scaffolding is still in place while my handy husband replaces the guttering and drain pipes . "Why don't you come up and see the view ?" says he. " You could take some photos for your blip"
I DID pluck up courage and up I went as far as the chimney pots . I took a photo looking down the wall .Ahhhhhhh!
I took a picture of the chimney pots. The jackdaws nesting were none too pleased and flew off without waiting to have their pictures taken .
I have never done a panorama before so here you are. It's not the best picture , but I'm not going to go up there again.
I'm a novice at photoshop so this is my first attempt at Photomerge. I didn't photoshop the ladder or scaffolding so you could all see where I climbed up. You can also see a bit of roof in the bottom left corner.
This is a reminder of the day I WAS VERY BRAVE !
(In case anyone asks , I hate going up the mast too !)

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