Country File

By marypot

A pocketful of posies

Two day week for me at work, which meant I was able to spend Monday in the company of Ophelia and Arwen. We spent the morning at baby and toddler group in the neighbouring village, then the afternoon at a friend's farmhouse which is so off the beaten track that we and the other family who joined us had to be ferried to and from the house in a convoy of suitably robust vehicles! Ophelia has a thing for picking flowers and giving them to other people lately. It's been a good opportunity for her to learn flower names and which ones are ok to pick. She picked flowers from the field and roadside whilst we waited for our lift today. The posey she's dancing with comprises ladies' lace, speedwells, cranesbill, buttercups, dandelions and daisies.
At the farm, we all had a splendid lunch together and then the kids had a play together whilst the mummies chatted. The time slipped by very quickly.

After the school pick up all of us went to the park for a time. Making the most of this wonderful weather while it lasts. I think it's due to change midweek.
Bit of a momentous day for Arwen today, but will leave the details for her own journal entry :)
161/365 completed!

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