Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli


This is nothing compared to what my life is like at the moment!

Fifty trillion emails every day with something new I have to deal with, learn how to do or add to my lessons. I have to sync a laptop, iPad and screen to a monitor on my desk just to deliver a lesson, the students are all getting iPads and I need to format each lesson two ways and upload it onto three programs so the students can write on their iPads instead of having exercise books, and I’ve literally got seventeen websites I’ve had to sign in to so I can issue homeworks, set rewards and sanctions, etc. Add to this my trying to get everything to also work from home and my brain is about to literally explode. On top of this, the headteacher has given all us new staff a notebook where we’re supposed to write our ‘reflections’ in. My ‘learning curve’ is like a laser beam shooting straight up to the other side of the galaxy.

Despite all that, the school really is great and every one of my colleagues are wonderful, answering my many - and often very random - questions with patience and good cheer.

I definitely made the right decision.

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