A scramble of children

I got up before the children but it was full on once they came down. We made the morning’s outing a trip to Waitrose and it was very successful, once we’d found the double baby trolley.  They both enjoyed the whole experience and we got round very quickly.  By the time we got home Anu had arrived for the day which was fun and the children romped her around for a bit before they had their lunch and went to bed for their nap. 

Grown up lunch and then V and A went off for a little walk and we played with the kids on the swings.  Later we went down to the playground and checked out the newly re-opened Rogate pub.  It’s going to be a very useful resource.  Although I wish we didn’t have to drive down there, the roads are too busy to run a pushchair on and the path over the field currently overgrown with pumpkins. 

Nature note: the berries that fall from the laurel tree,  in their hundreds a day at the moment have at least some admirers in the areas where we leave them.  This afternoon I counted 10  butterflies feasting on them as they rot and ferment in the sunshine.  Mainly Red Admirals but a couple of Peacocks too.  

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