Choose Joy

By Energia


not very silly but maybe a little silly 
immediately after two kids sat on it, which would have been sillier, but I didn't know the kids and it is problematic to take pictures of kids you don't know

I asked multiple businesses for money today and we'll see if any come back to me next week

If anyone knows of a printer who might give me a good discount for a big, bulk, good-purpose project please do let me know. 

I was stressing out because I was trying to do some other big thing next weekend but now I postponed it so I am immediately more relaxed. It kind of sucks in a way because the person I was going to do it with really, really needs the money, but wow I'm more relaxed now. 

Ukraine used US provided Strykers to get through a Russian defense line. The line had spikes and minefields. 

Ukraine hit Russia's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea. 

The president of Kazakhstan and four other Central Asian states met with Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly to discuss greater cooperation. Russia's influence continues to wane. 

Ukraine has access to US satellites and can take advantage of GPS guided weapons such as Himars and special bombs and can hit targets 45 miles away. Russa has an out-of-date crummy system called Glonass with poorer quality control stations on the ground and atomic clocks in space, so they can't measure as precisely. They were trying to fix their system but the first satellite they were going to send in 2018 finally happened this August. Half of their satellites are too old. They can only produce and orbit one or two a year because they don't have the electronics. 

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