Quirky Grisgarth

A few showers, some clouds, some sunshine and a breeze.  

Woke up with rain hammering on the caravan.  A morning puttering about the caravan.  Headed out in the late morning.  A couple of brisk walks. Popped by friend Fraser in the afternoon, then the UP shop, ending up beside Julie and family.  A fine walk before tea.  Heading back to see Fraser and Louise this evening, maybe a pint in the pub too.  

One walk this morning to me to an abandoned croft house, which sadly there are many here.  I'm not sure when this one was abandoned, nor do I know who lived here, but there is a a lovely quirky side on the house.  Many of the old croft houses have been extended and bits added on since they were originally built, this is definitely a unique addition here.  Taken at Grisgarth, Baltasound, Unst.  

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