
By LadyFindhorn

We Three

It seems to have been one of those days that slips past with my noticing the passage of time even though I was well aware of the early start,  hearing the bell of St Giles ringing out 7 times as I made my way down the High Street to the #26 bus.
 The air felt cool as we came out of the water but a brisk walk  to catch the bus home warmed us up nicely. A coffee back home and normal temperatures were restored.

The morning was all but over by the time I had read the paper and then it was off to meet up with the 2 Stromness selkies that are currently in Edinburgh. A lot of chit chat and before I knew it, it was time to say au revoir to Heather and make arrangement to meet up with Wendy for a swim on Tuesday morning.

It’s feet up for the evening now with my book Demon Copperhead and my sock!

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