….Apologies for:
a) such a lazy blip
b) such a yuckie blip (it’s my foot)
and, most importantly,
c) for a poor sweet little dead bee.
I had nipped to the shops on foot and had left my slippers in the porch. On my return I slipped my left foot inside it’s natural habitat only to experience some quite hot pain.
I have experienced wasp stings before, but not a bee one (that I can recall).
It’s not very nice. Even my thinking seems woolly. (Ok… woollier).
Massive (late) sympathy to the family member who suffered a horrid bee sting at a Sports Day once and who carried on stoically and regardless… After we not only pulled out the sting but spent a few precious minutes with it, photographing it (!) for posterity, while she suffered alone. (An amazing shot though I say it myself!).
I’m sorry.
My come-uppance is here.
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