Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Early bird...

Catches the worm... Or in my case: early seagulls (but since there's no sea where I live, I think there's a new race of fieldgulls instead. ;) ) woke me up for a stunning sunrise at 10 minutes before 4... I just took my camera and stood in my window taking a few photos and then I got back to bed again. It was a beautiful sunrise, but since I had to be awake and be able to think at work I didn't go out.
When I woke up again the clouds had gathered and the sun didn't have much chance.

At work I helped one of my friends with grammar and showed him a great app for the phone that I found the other day. It's an app for synonyms in Swedish and when I read English I find it helpful to check for synonyms first in my Apple Dictionary. I thought it would help him out a bit. He liked it and it kept him occupied later when I helped another man out. :) There were a lot of laughs and giggles today and laughing together is so... well it goes beyond language barriers.
Later I was the only volunteer in the room and would've liked to clone myself in 5. I had to help 4-5 people at the same time and there were still others that needed help. But, what do you do? Only the best you can...

If the purpose for learning is to
score well on a test, we've lost sight
of the real reason for learning.

Jeannie Fulbright

Tomorrow will be a long day. First I have a meeting with one of my supervisor and my contact at the Employment agency, then there's a kind of lunch meeting and then I have an hour until my work begins, and then there's three hours of sewing. The free hour I have I'm spending with my friend helping him with different things. That will give me energy to get through the rest of the day. :)
So if I'm not commenting journals, you know why. I'll be so tired tomorrow.

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