
I've never noticed that someone's living under the bridge into the Old Town here...unless it's a new set up. Odd watching people walk over the top, oblivious.
Time with Stef, then time prayer walking. Lots of things noticed and heard today.
Lunch prepped for the kids and then I was with Todd and Stephen which was really great.
Asha and I walked the the supermarket late afternoon. It's a bit of a trek to this particular one, but they have the dairy-free yoghurts Nate likes. Good to walk and talk with her and watch her grumpiness dissipate. We saw a few homeless friends on the way home, so it was good to catch up. Met a new guy from Co. Kerry... A chef who had an injury that landed him in hospital... But he came out having lost his job and therefore accommodation (tied to the job) & is now on the streets. A really lovely guy.

Danny's still achy and weary, poor guy.

A few extras added today.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Good voicenotes with Ju.
2) Both kids making it to the weekend - they're tired!
3) Time to walk and talk with Asha.

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