Art and death

Bit of a faff morning as G&K’s flight was delayed a couple of hours so my plan to get up early and collect them then do various things before our Grayson Perry exhibition slot was a bit scuppered…finally picked them up just after 12. We dropped their stuff at the flat and had a sandwich then walked down to the gallery. Huge exhibition…so much to see, read and think about. We all really enjoyed it, picking out the detail from the tapestries, prints and ceramics and standing back to take in the scale of some of the pieces. The bottom right piece is a detail from a tapestry which listed all the things people felt characterised being British….
No idea how the tapestries are made…they looked somehow more like embroidered pieces and collages than woven tapestries. The ceramics had some beautiful shapes….altogether enjoyed it far more than I expected and will go again.
We went down to the cafe for a debrief and a sit down to decompress from it all (and especially to rest G’s knee), then caught the bus home and I let them collapse a bit with the rugby whilst I made some supper for us before K and I went to see Matthew Bourne’s Romeo and Juliet. Excellent….so expressive and an interesting adaptation set in a psychiatric hospital.
What a great afternoon and evening. They’re whacked out, having got up at 5am, and we set off for Skye tomorrow!

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