
By wingpig


I thought the afternoon might have been scuppered when Edgar revealed that the gym he'd arranged to meet a friend at wasn't the one where I'd slowly and painfully booked a preceding induction session over the phone on Monday when the Edinburgh Leisure website let me sign him up for a gym pass but then not book him up for the required introduction. However, we continued to drop him off at the induction and he'll hopefully check in the future where he's supposed to meet people. I was using up some excess holiday and had a relatively free remainder of the afternoon, so finished off a rough and temporary tool-free guitar stand with some of the MDF which has been drifting around in cupboards and lofts for more than thirteen years. It's fairly rough but nice and heavy and stable, so it should hopefully prevent the new guitar from being leant against anything unsuitable or having anything leant against it, like the heavy sheets of MDF leant against the old one on moving-day by the removers. It also uses up one of the wall-mount hooks which doesn't work on this guitar's narrow headstock.

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