A Busy Day, Most of it Fun!

An early morning doc visit, followed by a wrist x-ray. Unfortunately I have terrible arthritis in my thumb joint, much of it brought on by a basketball injury when I was in high school. Surely my basketball career was ruined by a broken thumb and torn cartilage ;-) At any rate, we'll see what the doc has to say next week. He also took the opportunity to jab me with a pneumonia vaccination which hurts like crazy tonight. Have you had one?

I had lunch with my former assistant over on the east side - super to see her! 

During the holiday season the women's golf league holds a luncheon and raffle, with the proceeds going to a charity. For the 2nd year in a row, these lovely friends of mine have raffled off a Wine Tasting and Pairing, which I have most fortunately won two years in a row. There were four of us lucky winners and our friends have gone above and beyond in their offering this year. A grand time was had by all, on a gorgeous fall equinox! Here is Joanne, Pat, Anne and Wendy, all great friends and amazing women. Aren't they adorable in their matching shirts?

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