Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Scuzzbucket and the joy of a plastic bag.

I finally got my bra for the Moonwalk decorated today. I had to take a last minute trip to the fabric shop to buy ribbons when I realised my original plan wouldn't work due to the straps not being removable but it has turned out nicely.

My trip to town coincided with the torrential downpour that hit Edinburgh mid-afternoon which stopped my plan of walking home.

The fuzzies have been on top form today. Sometimes they play quietly and then spend most of their playtime asleep under the sofa. Today they found fun in everything and continually bounced about whilst making their adorable happy dook dook noises. Seriously, if you've never experienced a happy ferret playing, you've missed out. Armed with camera and flash I attempted to get some shots of them whilst they attacked plastic bags and bounced off the sofa and each other.

This is Scuzz enjoying a carrier bag.

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