An autumnal wreath

A very hectic day. 
I had stayed overnight with my brother and we set off at 9am for a small family only crematorium service of a very elderly cousin. ( all my cousins are much much older as our parents were much younger than theirs plus got married later)  He had a good long life, very healthy until recently. He was a farmer and so this is a a very nice wreath of autumnal foliage which includes some barley.

After that service we visited some second cousins from the other side of my family at their farm for a coffee. 

A brief lunch and then off to a celebration service in the church next door to his farm. Lots of people there from the local community which he was very involved with and the local Rotary. Nice readings by another cousin and my brother plus nice traditional service given by the lady vicar.
After we went to the village hall for refreshments. Lots of nice food! Good to catch up with other relatives and find out about their children and grandchildren. We don’t seem to have so many gatherings as when I was younger. Probably because then most of our farming relatives lived nearer each other and none had moved away for university or jobs.

Then I drove back home. Luckily the journey was quite easy, no heavy rain and sunny part of the way too.  But exhausted now.

Did a double take in the church…Michael Eavis ( he started the Glastonbury Festival) was there sitting next to my cousins widow. Apparently he was a friend of hers from long ago and they have been friends with him ever since. All dairy farmers and of the similar age. Sadly he is in a wheelchair now.

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