
I needed to be at the eye clinic at 930, so had set my alarm for 6, thus allowing for my usual morning routine including dog walk. What I had forgotten was that on holiday I had set my alarm to silent for some reason and the other alarm, the beaast who expects food at 7, had been away at kennels which has either reset his stomach and/or his propensity to bark, let 7am slide past unnoticed.
I woke, lay there in the dark thinking to myself that it must be really early because I felt so tired* and looked at my watch to discover I had an hour to fit in showering, breakfast, 60 minutes dog walk….
Jake got a spin round the block, I speed showered** and I’m still trying to recover from tea deficiency.
My morning was spent being shuttled from one room to another with pupils dilated and lights shone onto my innocent retinas.
They think its getting better on its own but we get to rinse and repeat in3-4 weeks time, joy.

* jet lag is evil
** sorry Emma if I was stinky

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