Met JP and PF at the station to get the London train. We went first class so got coffee and bacon rolls on the train, as well as a very nice seat. Went to Covent Garden with J to meet E for lunch as he was in London for a week and it was his birthday. Walked up to the theatre, met up with P again, and her daughter and partner . The show wasn’t really my sort of thing (should have done research before I agreed to go really), but the set and costumes were spectacular and the performers all extremely talented. We went straight from the theatre to have dinner in a lovely local Italian restaurant , and then back up to St Pancras to get the train home. We had some time to kill but fortunately there were some shops open to browse in. Train was a few minutes early getting in so I just caught an earlier bus. Got home at about 11.15- pleased I don’t have to be anywhere tomorrow morning !

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