
By Winsford

An t-foghar

Today I venture out "out" for the first time in over a week. Signs of autumn were much more noticeable, including leaves on the ground. 

The occasion was our monthly u3a meeting  - this was a general welcome back after our summer break and I didn't want to miss it as I won't be at the next one. There was tea/coffee and cake, lots of chat and T entertained us with a few songs with which we joined in.

It was nice to "re-enter" society.  However my right remains blocked (it can take a while to clear) and I found it very difficult to make out what someone was saying to me directly when there was a lot of background chatter. An interesting insight to what some people's daily experiences must be. 

Looking forward to my Conversation Class tonight - the use of headphones makes that easier and this will be followed by some TV viewing. Currently making our way through the follow-up series to Justified (an under-rate show about a US marshall from 10 years ago). 

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