This morning was wet and windy. The tubs of sunflowers are all horizontal again - perhaps it's time to move them to a vase : ( Later, conditions improved a bit, but I was waiting for the supermarket delivery, which didn't arrive till the last two minutes of the chosen time slot. I peeled and trimmed another batch of pears, eating as I worked. They need a lot of preparation and look very unappetising on the outside, but many are delicious.
I didn't walk up the hill till half past six. The prospect was uninviting, windy and damp, but it wasn't cold and I need the exercise. I tried to walk briskly, pausing only for a few quick photos, most of which have movement blur and misting from the raindrops on the lens. I went a little way into the wood. It' was already extremely gloomy under the trees, but close to the edge a little more light was filtering through the tracery of branches. Summer really is over.
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