Place: Greenville, SC 59/80
Main activity: Tues - Trader Joe's, Whole Foods
Notes: Still woke up just after 7a even tho I was awake till 130-2a - very annoying. Headed to TJs right at 8a - big accident in Mauldin so took 30 min to get there. More minimal shopping and omitted almost all the "crap" foods. TJs didn't have pumpkin seeds or the raw walnuts (bizarre and irritating!). Whole Foods was a pretty small order too. Back and cooked Lizzy more chicken breasts and gizzards but then she didn't want any yet. For my meal, made a modified version out of Dr. Mindy's book for GARLICKY CIDER SPINACH WITH JAMMY EGGS tho added sauteed sweet onion (would prob leave the onion out next time). After had an O'Doughs GF bagel (very thin). Have tons of greens in the fridge now and need to make sure I use lots every day: kale, arugula, spinach, broccoli slaw. Later, had dessert of raspberries and candied pecans topped w/ luscious lemon whipped cream. Sat out back w/ Lizzy and wrote a bit but was a little too warm. Tired and to bed early.

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