
Today CyclopsJnr had a dentist appointment, part of the treatment for the tooth he knocked loose skateboarding A YEAR AGO. We are summoned for appointments sporadically.

Inconveniently this appointment was at the Royal Infirmary which is more than an hour from home, so a morning off school was required.

CyclopsJnr is having his tooth bleached white following a root canal as it is no longer alive. They made a mould of his upper teeth several months ago. CyclopsJnr has lost three teeth since then, which are starting to grow back in. This means the mould doesn't fit. Predictable?

Well they called the Consultant in and he set to the mould with his drill and cut parts out to accommodate the new teeth. Phew. The other dentist then removed a temporary filling which is where we are to squeeze in some bleach each night. It was quite a long appointment.

We arrived back at school after CyclopsJnr's lunch sitting but during break, and the school was very accommodating still feeding him. In fact he loved it as he got to have lunch with three teachers and I think they made a bit of a fuss of him.

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