Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Simple pleasures

After several hurly burly days I am appreciating the comforts of home for a change. I love my wee house. It was built in 1905 when my home town was continuing to expand and become an important railway junction. The house is full of warmth and love. Why people want big houses is beyond me. 

I fitted a new landing light and smoke alarm on the top floor. Plus we sorted TSM’s office and tidied up all the messy cables that we’re giving her OCD heebie jeebies. That made me happy. And I did my weekly podcast which will be published tomorrow.

The Dizzle had a problem with his front door lock. We assessed the situation then adopted a route 1 strategy to re-enter the premises. He now has a bruised shoulder. 

Life is always busy.

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