
So, when I bought the Donner pedal (see Thursday's post), I forgot these little fellows need a 9v power supply: there's just no room for a battery.

Now, that was fine at my guitar lesson, yesterday, because Paolo had a supply (they are fairly standard for guitar pedals), but I wanted one for the studio in Salford.

Ever resourceful, the Minx suggested that we walk around to PMT, which is not that far from the house, as the crow flies, although still about a mile's walk for us wingless animals, as you need to get over the train lines.

PMT is an Aladdin's cave of musical equipment, and despite the fact we'd popped in for the humble power supply, we had a nice walk around. I do love these Gretsch guitars but, to be honest, there was no real temptation; I already have four nice guitars* and could not justify a fifth.

In the evening, we'd been toying with the idea of traipsing out to Mossley to see a band called Buffalo Brothers, with whom Paolo plays guitar, but then, out of the blue, my very good friend (and Dan's godfather), Keith, announced he was coming up to Manchester to see a gig at Albert Hall.

The band in question is one called Half Moon Run, whom the Minx and I have seen before. She loves them, I was less impressed. But it was a chance to see Keith and give the band a second chance.

So, high point of the evening: drinks with Keith, the Minx, and Matt (with whom Keith was staying) before and after the gig. Low point: unfortunately, for me, Half Moon Run. I should point out, though, that everyone else there found them a delight!

*And two middling ones.

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