Shadows and light

Another busy day, and everything on my list was completed, more or less thoroughly. Telecare company came and installed a base unit, and gave me the buzzer and the falls bracelet for J. The person who came couldn’t install the door alarm, so said they would get the technician to call me and arrange to come out. He called late afternoon, very pleased he could come tomorrow afternoon. I’m working, running a photography workshop in Liverpool. Or Thursday afternoon, when I’m helping facilitate a workshop for a public health colleague in Preston. I’m working at home Wednesday and Friday morning but those didn’t work. Rung round the family and J’s cousin,D, will come next Tuesday afternoon. We’re obviously moving forward, but it’s never as straightforward as it should be!

When I nipped out to visit J, I noticed these shadows on the porch. In one of the sunny moments (which was quickly followed by torrential rain)

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